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Butuan Democrat
The greatest good is getting the enemy to surrender without ever having to fight.
Crushed and Pixelized
'All of this has happened before
And all of this will happen again
So say we all.'
~ Battlestar Galactica
March 8 is International Women's Day
For months now and perhaps to the detriment of my bar preparations, I have become an avid observer of the 2008 US Presidential Elections. In the beginning of the primary campaign, I was glued to CNN, MSNBC, BBC and miscellaneous American real and faux news shows (Good Morning America, Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Colbert Report). As I grew frustrated with the lack of in depth news coverage of my favorite candidate and the silly nonstop rhetorical questions posed by reporters, I turned to the Internet for my daily fix of cold hard facts and tidbits.
To my great amazement, there are hundreds of blogs and news sites catered to political addicts like me. So I squeed in happiness and changed my homepage to Daily Kos and Huffington Post where I am finally content. Now whenever I seek my news, I reach for my mouse first, remote control second and the newspaper last.
In this internet information age, the connected reader has only one use for the daily newspaper: to wrap fish with and perhaps to wipe out those streaks from your window glass. News items published in your daily newspaper is usually 24 hours behind online news.
Cable and local tv news shows (dubbed mainstream media by bloggers) are suspect. Recall the reason that drove me to the net was the paucity of news coverage of my favorite candidate and what I have found on the net was not only the information I sought but the knowledge that mainstream media can be biased in their presentation of news. Sometimes, they are so biased they won't even cover certain news.
Online news community is not only the freshest (news are often broken by those enterprising bloggers digging for answers because they are not content to issue rhetorical questions.) but also offers the most variety. Like MSM, new media can be biased but unlike MSM, you can get both sides of the story from two opposing views and decide your own opinions based on the most complete facts you can browse.
posted by Crushed & Pixelized @ 10:40 PM;